I Love getting emails like this!  <See below> — Maybe I WILL get on the lecture circuit. 😉



From: G H
Date: May 30, 2011 11:50:19 AM CDT
To: wsellers@gmail.com
Subject: Met you today at Starbucks

I trust this is the right email address for the cyclist I met today….I enjoyed the chat this morning and am glad to see more cyclist in this area …. as you know, Baton Rouge is not as bike friendly an area as I would like it to be, but with more people gaining interest in the sport, perhaps in time the drivers will become more thoughtful.

Your weight loss story is truly amazing…..some day I expect you to be on the lecture circuit helping others….if you have an interest, read about Mike Huckaby’s story on that issue…when he was governor of Arkansas, it took a doctor friend of his actually taking him thru the diabetes ward at a hospital to convince him to change his life style…..good luck in that effort.

All the best,
