Going from fat ass to cyber stud…one day at a time!

Category Diet

Intermittent Fasting

I’ve always heard good things about intermittent fasting for the purposes of weight loss and general health.  I’ve always found it really hard to keep track of when I should be eating or fasting. However, tonight I just found that… Continue Reading →

Why “Dieting” failed for me…

We’ve all heard this:  Diets Fail!  Lifestyle changes Succeed!  — This can’t be truer.  Over the last few years, I’ve lost over 200LBS and have been slowly putting weight back on — approximately 75LBS of my total weight lost is… Continue Reading →

My Fitness gadgets for 2013

So everyone, over the past year, I’ve been slowly putting weight back on… GRR… The 200+ LBS that I worked really hard to shed, is slowly creeping back onto my ass!  — NO BUENO!  —  I’ve also been having many… Continue Reading →

My 4-Hour Body Shopping List

Here is my list for the first few weeks of the slow-carb diet… All of these ingredients can be found at your local Whole Foods Market…. Or any grocery store… Try to get grass-fed beef if possible. Thanks, Will BREAKFAST… Continue Reading →

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