Going from fat ass to cyber stud…one day at a time!

Category Photos


Photo Update – April 17, 2011

My appearance on GeekBeat.TV with Cali Lewis

Here’s my vide from my appearance on Cali Lewis’ GeekBeat.TV… This was recorded at Austin’s South-By-Southwest Conference. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2QqUrI3p-o] Thanks to Cali for taking time to talk to me — and record this video!  Losing weight has been SO good for me…. Continue Reading →

Photo Progress #3

FYI – Just a photo progess update. Lost over 205 pounds so far… Another 80-90 more pounds to go… And just about down to a 38″ waist…when I started I was a 58″!!! Thanks Everyone for your encouragement and support!… Continue Reading →

Status Update: Jan. 14, 2010 – w/photo

*** Update:  I’m now in a size 40″ waist ***  -wsellers 01/26/2011 Well everyone, Still losing weight… So far, I’m down to a size 42″ waist (I used to be a size 58″!!!) — and they’re a little loose!  My… Continue Reading →

Status Update: Dec. 7, 2010 – w/photos

Hi everyone, Just a quick update:  Today I start my new/last diet:  http://www.idealprotein.com/ – Read more about the creator of this diet, Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, here:  http://www.idealprotein.com/ipcl_usen.asp?no=291 — I’ll be doing regular status updates again, regularly.  If anyone has… Continue Reading →

Photo update

Just a new photo update…. Me on 08-07-2010 Thanks to everyone who has supported my through this!  I still have a long way to go! Will

Photo Progress #2

FYI – Just a photo progess update. I’m going to try to update more often.  Getting ready to lose the next 100 pounds!

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